Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wyntr is coming!


The air is crisper  and shivery and leaves crunch loudly. The air smells like fire places and warm jackets warm ourselves and those around us.

The title of my blog is the mantra of one of my favorite science fiction series by George R. R. Martin; the "Song of Fire and Ice," series.

"Wyntr" is also the name of the kennel from which my next puppy will be coming, and I can only be extremely excited by the pairing. Celeste finally went into heat, and was bred October 29 and November 1 to Tiggy! Puppies should be on the ground by New Years!

So, Wyntr really is coming!

Harper is finally snapping out of her I'm-in-heat-and-I-have-no-brain phase.

Dear Harper's brain,

Mommy has missed you. It's fun to play with Harper again.

Love furever,
