Well, my relationship ended and now all of my dog plans are permanently on hold. So for now, I'm working on Harper and not worrying about getting another puppy. Its probably for the best.
Right now Harper and I are working together to overcome some of her issues of fear and environmental sensitivity. I've been struggling with a few things when training her. The easy thing I'm struggling with is heeling. I really suck at teaching her that. I've had to start over and am reading the book called, Schutzhund Obedience: Training in Drive to redo things.
I 've started using string cheese and holding it down at her level and walking at the same time. Its just out of reach, and I treat her immediately if she stays in heel position like a good girl. If she doesn't, she just doesn't get a treat. I never punish Harper with positive punishment.
The latest venture in training has been trying to get Harper used to agility equipment and its not been an easy venture. Harper is afraid of round objects and I have to admit, due to ignorance I did push her too far the night before last. She was exhibiting signs of great stress, such as panting, whining, and practicing avoidence behaviors.
Due to this, I reached out to my mentors to get some ideas on how to get her used to the agility tunnel and tire jump. Nancy and I are going to work with her this weekend.
I've been doing some reading on sensitive dogs, and I think there are some books I need to get before I start trying to train her again. One is Pat McConnell's, "The Cautious Canine." I just don't feel confidant that I am reading her well enough as things are and I'm concerned that I'm going to ruin her.
I don't even know if its possible to ruin a dog the way I envision, but I'm sure it is.
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